Thinking of installing custom window treatment products for your home? Shutters are a great choice for that timeless look of elegance and sophistication. Your next decision is whether to go for shutters made from wood or poly materials. Are there aesthetic and functional difference between the two? Here is an easy point-by-point breakdown of the features of each, so that you can choose shutter material that’s right for your home.
Poly Shutters Part 1: Unique Characteristics
Many shutters on the market are either vinyl-wrapped or hollow-vinyl products. Both have their own attractive characteristics, but they don’t compare to Wholesale Shutter Company’s poly units.
4 Ways Shutters Add a Stylish and Practical Touch to Windows
Windows alone are good enough for some homeowners, but discerning Americans appreciate the value of shutters. They’re one of the most functional and aesthetically pleasing window treatments you can buy. More than just dressing your bare glass units, shutters are customizable to the smallest details. With so many styles, thicknesses, colors, textures and hardware finishes to choose from, you have significant latitude to design them your way.